Thank you for giving to this wonderful project! We are grateful for all donations, which go directly toward funding the project and teaching kindness, service, community, and giving to students around the world!
For your gift of $125, you will be able to SPONSOR A CLASS TO PARTICIPATE. Each student will receive $5 of seed money, provided by you, to either use as the first donation to their charity or use as a resource to purchase supplies for lemonade stands, bake sales, etc.
For a gift of $50, you will be SUPPLYING EACH CHILD in a CLASS of 25 their OWN PIGGY BANK. They will personalize their piggy and use it to collect their donations for the year! My students always take such pride in their piggies!
For a gift of $175, you will be SPONSORING A CLASS’S GIVING PROJECT. Each student with receive a piggy bank as well as $5 of seed money, provided by you, to either use as the first donation to their charity or use as a resource to purchase supplies for lemonade stands, bake sales, etc.
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